Acupuncture By Paul
7592 North Broadway, Red Hook 12571-1458 NY, United States Tel: (845) 758-4218 Contact Us Website Sign in | ClickBook Information
Welcome!We aim to educate our patients about holistic health and other natural solutions to common health problems in order to motivate you to take a more active and responsible role in restoring and maintaining your own health as well as the people around you.

We are dedicated to providing families with a safe, natural health care option that facilitates optimal health and wellness. We also provide outreach and education in our community so that everyone can learn about the benefits of holistic health care.
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People & Resources
Paul McElderry LAc LMT MS
Paul McElderry has been studying Traditional Chinese Medicine since 2000 when he enrolled in New York College of Health professions. He first graduated Sum Cum Laude from the Massage Therapy program and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2003. He then continued on into the Acupuncture program where he graduated Sum Cum Laude in 2008. Paul has completed over 4000 academic hours in both Traditional Chinese Medicine and the western sciences along with over 950 clinical internship hours.

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